Virtual Business Networking Borrel
August 5, 2021 | 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Come and get to know the DCCQ
The DCCQ aims to build connections between organisations and people based in both the Netherlands and Queensland. As good Dutch practice dictates, what better way is there to get to know each other over a ‘borrel’?
Every first Thursday of the month, members and any interested parties gather for an evening of networking. To discover how they can help each other find and develop new opportunities, all the while building connections between Queensland and the Netherlands.
Due to the current government restrictions, we are moving our Borrel from real life in the Bavarian to virtual in Zoom! We will facilitate a number of breakout rooms to enable conversations in smaller groups – just as if we were around a beer-table in the Bavarian!
Join the Zoom meeting via: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86953479486
Meeting ID: 869 5347 9486
Passcode: 524724
We hope to see you online – make sure to have your beers cold!