Exploring Brisbane’s bike paths in orange
November 21, 2021 | 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
About this event
The Dutch are well known across the globe for a long list of things, with fanatic cyclists being one of the things highest up on that list. Therefore, with Brisbane City Council creating an excellent network of bike paths across the city, it wouldn’t come as a surprise that the Dutch were among the first to jump on their bikes to use the network for commuting, shopping and fun!
With beautiful cycling weather coming up, the DCCQ is organising a recreational bike tour along the river and through the city of Brisbane to promote the use of this great network of bike paths.
The tour will be led by the Honorary Consul of the Netherlands Marjon Wind and the President of the DCCQ Ralph Vossenberg. The journey is about 10 km, which will take about 45 minutes. We advise that if children take part in the tour, they should be confident on their bicycle.
Every participant is encouraged to join with an orange bike and/or outfit to make this event a colourful spectacle! Apart from eternal glory in the Dutch community, there will also be a price for the person who rides on the most remarkable bike and for the person with the most sensational outfit.
The Program
8.30am – 9.00am Gathering at Captain Burke Park, Kangaroo Point
9.00am – 9.45am Bike tour
9.45am – 11.00am Social gathering
DCCQ Members Free
Non-DCCQ members Free
Register for the event here. Further details of the event will be shared with participants closer to the event date.
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