Hydrogen – The Future of Energy
October 6, 2022 | 7:00 AM - 9:30 AM
About this event
We are proud to host an event on the future of Hydrogen, where world-leading experts in this field, from Government and Commercial backgrounds, will present on developments occurring across Australia and The Netherlands.
In discussions about global warming, hydrogen often comes up as a solution. We will debunk perceptions and myths around hydrogen and discuss opportunities for achieving carbon-neutral goals. Relevant to the aim of the DCCQ, we will also focus on green energy trade between Australia and The Netherlands.
Our Speakers
Hugo Klijn – Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Australia.
Chris Shaw – Deputy Director-General Hydrogen, Department of Energy and Public Works.
Chris leads a newly created Division within the Department that has responsibility for leading strategic planning and coordination for the hydrogen industry across Queensland Government. He works closely with industry, counterpart agencies and the Queensland Government’s Hydrogen Taskforce to ensure policy, planning and regulatory activities are effectively integrated and enable value for the Queensland public from the rapidly emerging hydrogen industry.
In his presentation, Chris will talk about the development of key infrastructure, the recently signed agreement with the Port of Rotterdam, and Gladstone as a case study.
Stefan Augustin – Director, Investment Europe (based in Berlin), Trade and Investment Queensland.
Stefan joined the TIQ team in November last year as Director Investment and opened up the new office in Frankfurt.
In his previous role, he worked for the last 15 years for the Australian Trade and Investment Commission in Frankfurt.
In his presentation, Stefan will talk about the rise in H2 as an important fuel, Germany’s focus as a case study for investment and trade, particularly the HySupply Agreement and the key learnings for The Netherlands.
Dr John Roles – Energy Economics at the University of Queensland, and Project Director for Lavo / Nedstack, leading the team building Australia’s first hydrogen fuel cell production facility at Springfield.
John is originally trained as an engineer and has spent over 40 years in the delivery of energy-related infrastructure through Australia and East Asia. Since 2001, he has been heavily involved in the opportunities created by the transition to low carbon energy production and in 2015, he went back to university to undertake research into the economic evaluation of low emission fuel alternatives.
In his presentation, John will talk about the abundance of Hydrogen, make a comparison with diesel and talk about the good, the bad and the ugly of Hydrogen, and will finalise with the presentation of the Springfield Production Facility that is to be built.
The Program
7.00am arrival and breakfast for a 7.30am event start.
7.30am – 7.35am Welcome
7.35am – 7.40am Hugo Klijn
7.40am – 8.00am Chris Shaw
8.00am – 8.20am Stefan Augustin
8.20am – 8.40am Dr John Roles
8.40am – 9.00am Panel discussion and Q&A
9.00am – 9.30am Networking
The venue is kindly provided by our Event Partners.
DCCQ Members $45
Non-DCCQ members $60
Limited seats available.
Register for the event here. Further details of the event will be shared with participants closer to the event date.