In October 2022, Professor Martijn Manders from the University of Leiden visited Australia in his function as the Head of Programme Maritime Heritage Dutch Government: Maritime Heritage in Dutch Waters, Mutual Heritage Programme and management of wrecks with Dutch ownership claim: VOC, WIC and Admiralty ships all over the world.
He presented at functions in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth.
The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) is currently involved in one project in Australia. In this project, the RCE and the Western Australian Museum in Perth together investigate Dutch amphibious aircraft wrecked in the Australian port city Broome during the Second World War. In the past, the RCE has also been involved in the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage Project ‘Shipwrecks of the Roaring 40s’, a project on the shipwreck of the Fortuyn, as well as the project ‘Ship Shapes’.

Professor Martijn Manders presenting at the Queensland Museum in Brisbane